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The Sims is the worlds biggest selling PC Game ever!! Welcome to Simsensations!

Hey, welcome to Simsensations. This site is dedicated the the biggest selling game on the PC ever released - The Sims. This site will give you all you need to know for the latest releases and news for the sims.

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Come on in and take a look at one of the greatest ever games of all time. You take control of peoples lives, and what happens in it. Here you will find all the news and reviews, and downloads for these fabulous games.

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The Sims 2! Is Here!!!

The Sims 2 has been globally released to millions around the world. In the The Sims 2, you direct your Sims over a lifetime and mix their genes from one generation to the next. You set your Sims' goals in life; popularity, fortune, family, romance or knowledge. Give them a long, successful existence or leave their lives in shambles. Take them to extremes, from getting busted to seeing a ghost, from marrying an alien to writing a great novel. Unleash your creativity with the all-new Create-A-Sim, new building options, and the new in-game movie camera. Get ready to mix their genes, fulfill their dreams, and push them to extremes. What do you want to do with your Sims' lives?


Back to Life: 26th September 2004

Site back to life. For a while the site has been very quiet in updates etc. But now as the summer ends here in the uk, my life should be a little less hectic and will give me more time to work on new houses and updating the site.